ALEX Testimonials
I was tasked with creating a series of video testimonials for Jellyvision’s flagship product, ALEX Benefits Counselor. Our customers had so many positive things to say, and we wanted to share it with the world. The challenge was not only making sure these testimonials were on brand, but that they reflected Jellyvision’s approachability, humor and creative flair. I created all the art and worked closely with the production team, in a directorial role, to make sure the over all feel worked to entice new customers, and increase brand engagement.
ALEX Testimonials | Jordan Shea
We wanted these testimonials to be as genuine as possible. So there were no scripts, just each customer’s raw opinions. Then I decided to simply highlight the personality of each customer, by adding animations and embellishments that supported the most important portions of their dialogue. It resulted in a series of fun, honest, bite-sized testimonials that leverage ALEX’s strengths and how they eliminate industry pain-points.
These are the final production boards which went through several reviews across multiple departments. They feature full fidelity art assets, which I then animated and handed-off to a media producer for compositing. This workflow helped us to move fast, maintain the original vision and ensured an overall quality and parity for each video.