
Bachelor Night by Mark Anthony Cruz

Bachelor Night

Every once in a blue moon my wife hangs out with a girlfriend or two, which gives me a free night to myself. I usually call up a friend to hang out and watch a movie or play video games with. However I’ve been a little hermetic as of late, so I usually end up watching old episodes of Ultraman and eating Red Baron microwavable pizza. What you see is the exact portrayal of those bachelor nights where I am as happy as a geeky pig in slop.

Light Night 2010 Game Banners by Mark Anthony Cruz

Light Night 2010 Banners

At work we’ve been so busy preparing for our alternative Halloween event which requires tons of carnival game banners. However they all have to “be done yesterday.” Don’t you hate it when people say that? So my friend Ashley and I have spent the past 2 days just churning out banners.  Some were winners, others not so much.  Here are 4 hand picked winners.